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During our Sunday school semesters, our team in Kenya reaches more than 93,000 children with the gospel every week. Schools in Kenya are not funded by the government and often lack simple necessities such as shoes or pencils, which are difficult to find. Oftentimes, there are no resources available to fix urgent problems facing the school, and it is forced to shut down. If a school shuts down, children have to find another place for their education and lose access to Metro activities, feeding programs, and Sunday school teaching.

"A school so filthy, it's about to be shut down. Please help!"

By supporting our school project, you help us provide necessary schools with their most pressing needs, such as desks and chairs for children to sit on and study, plates and cups made out of steel for our feeding programs, steel doors for classrooms for safety, water tanks, classroom renovations, and also helping to create a school garden to support the feeding program.